Call us: +91-8295619184 | 0171-4006142 | +91-9813232101 | +91-9355106486 |
Infralab Information Kiosk – Model IIK19 and Model IIK23 bring all information you seek with a slight kiosk screen of your finger. Its ergonomic design enables users to navigate through information step by step easily and, hence it is also called a self-service counter. The product is mainly divided into two parts – hardware and software. In the hardware category, we offer Metal Body kiosk touch screen monitor with two lockable service doors complete with electrical fittings and ventilation fan. Mounted with High Definition Touch Monitor, IIK delivers an absolute information accessing experience to users. Depending upon client’s specific requirement, we offer optional hardware like CPU, UPS, Speakers, Keyboard, Keypad, Web Camera, Printer and ticket vending machine. And under software category, it solely depends upon the application of Information Kiosk where it is installed; and therefore we integrate Biometric Authentication, Smart Card Reader, Bar Code Reader and other software systems into the free standing kiosk.
To study the complete specification, and please download Product Brochure of Infralab Click the link